How to Secure Your Computer with follow Simple Tips 2020

Hey Guys, and welcome back to another post, so in this post, I’m gonna show “How to Secure Your Computer with follow Simple Tips 2020“. Now, in this post, we going to see the simple tip that will help your Windows computer from unauthorized access in installing some questionable software or protect your computer from viruses or Malware that might get execute itself without your permission. ASo, without any further talk, so let’s get started.

How to Secure Your Computer with follow Simple Tips 2020

If you are a Windows user, then follow the tips will really help you to secure your computer from the virus or malware that would come along with unwanted software that executes itself without your permission. These tips are not the ultimate solution to make your windows computer virus-free but help to reduce the risk.


How to Secure Your Computer with follow Simple Tips

STEP1; So, moving further, first of all, login to your Windows Computer then choose settings. Here at the Windows settings, click on Accounts and there you will see that my account is a Microsoft account and the type of this account is an administrator. 

STEP2; Now, you should do, to protect your computer is to change the Microsoft account to local account, and then the administrator type to standard type. 

STEP3; Now, choose ‘Sign in with a local account instead’ then follow the onscreen instructions to make your online account to local windows account. Please make sure to save your work as you need to sign out from the current session to make these changes. 

STEP4; Now, change the account privileges from the administrator type to standard type. To do that, open settings then choose Accounts. Here you need to add another user with the administrative rights, so that you can make the primary account as standard type. 

STEP5; Let me create an account by moving to ‘Family & Other users’ then choose ‘Add someone else to this PC’ then choose ‘I don’t have this person’s sign-in information’ then ‘Add a user without a Microsoft account’ and then enter the required information like username, password and answer the security questions. 

STEP6; Once you’re done, you will have the local account created as a standard type. Now, you need to change the newly created account to administrator. To do that, choose the account then click on ‘Change account type’ then here select ‘Administrator’ as the account type. 

STEP7; Now signout from the current user account to change the primary user account to standard type which is here the user alexfred. To do that, click on the Windows icon then choose signout then select the newly created administrator account. In my case it is MyTeachWorld. 

STEP8; Once you setup the new user, go to Settings then Accounts then Family, other users. Here change the account type of Alex Fred to the Standard from the Administrator. 

STEP9; You did it. Now sign out and login back to the primary user account and try to install any executable file or software. When you do that, Windows will prompt you to enter the password of the Administrator account which is here MyTeachWorld. Without entering the password, the file won’t be installed on your Windows computer. 

This is extremely helpful when the virus tries to execute any indoor tools or software that takes control over your PC without your concern. 

That’s it. So, friends, this is the end of the article, If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. If you like this post please don’t forget to share it with friends also please socialize it. Thank you so much, stay tuned with this blog and blog’s admin Mr. Aditya Singh…

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