How to record calls in iPhone, very few people know the method?

iPhone’s default Phone App does not support call recording. You need to use a third-party device or app to record calls.

Do you also want to know how to download call recording in iPhone? You have been given complete information on this subject in this article. iPhone is a very popular and advanced smartphone made by Apple company. iPhone has many features and functions, which make it different and better than other phones. But do you know how to record calls in iPhone?

If not, then you have to read this post completely. We hope that by the end of the post you will know well how you can record a call on your iPhone. Call recording means that when you talk to someone on the phone, record their voice and save it on your phone. Now let’s know how you can record a call on iPhone.

Methods- How to record calls on your phone

Recording a call on iPhone is not as easy as you think. iPhone’s default Phone app does not support call recording. Apple has intentionally blocked this feature because doing so could lead to some legal issues due to call recording.

Now let’s know further about iPhone Me Call Recording Kaise Kare. Here we have explained some methods, so you have to read all the methods properly.

1. Magmo Magnetic Call Recorder:

Magmo is basically a call recorder that magnetically attaches to your smartphone by placing it on the back of your phone. This device primarily works with iPhones, but it is also available for other phones that use a magnetic ring. Once you attach this Magmo device to your iPhone, you can record phone calls by following the steps given below.

STEP1: First, attach Magmo to the back of your phone.

STEP2: To start recording, you simply have to flip the switch up and to stop recording you again have to flip the switch back down.

STEP3: Here all the audio files get saved automatically and a user can easily download them on his laptop.

Once fully charged, Magmo Magnetic Call Recorder can last up to 7 hours. It is capable of storing about 32GB of data.

2. Voice Memos

Voice Memos is a pre-installed app that is present in every iPhone. This app allows you to record audio clips. You can also use this app for call recording, but for this you will need two devices. This method is a bit complicated, but it is also free. Just follow these steps for this-

STEP1: From the Phone app, start the call you want to record.

STEP2: Tap Audio and then tap Speaker to put the call on speakerphone.

STEP3: Apple doesn’t let you record a speakerphone call with Voice Memos on the same device.

STEP4: So, you’ll need a second device with Apple’s Voice Memos app installed. This can be an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

STEP5: Open the Voice Memos app and tap the red record button to start a new voice memo. Place the second device near the iPhone.

When the call is over, you can share the recording by tapping it, then tapping …, then tapping Share, and then tapping the app you want to share it with.


3. Third-Party Call Recording Apps

If you do not want to record calls using Google Voice or Voice Memos, you can use some third-party call recording apps. You will find many such apps in the App Store that provide you the service of recording calls. But you may have to pay some fees or charges to use the apps. Some popular and reliable call recording apps are mentioned below.

1. Rev Call Recorder:

Call Recorder – IntCall How to record calls in iPhone, very few people know the method?

This app lets you record unlimited incoming and outgoing calls for free. To use this app, you have to merge with a third line, which does the recording. You can also listen to your recordings later, edit them, or even transcribe them.

2. TapeACall Pro:

TapeACall Pro: How to record calls in iPhone, very few people know the method?

This app lets you record unlimited incoming and outgoing calls, but for this you have to pay a subscription fee. To use this app, you also have to merge with a third line, which is recording. You can stop your recordings, share them, or save them to cloud storage.

3. Call Recorder – IntCall

Call Recorder:How to record calls in iPhone, very few people know the method?

This app lets you record outgoing calls, but you have to pay a per minute charge for this. To use this app, you have to make a call from the app itself, which does the recording. You can stop your recording, share it, or save it in cloud storage.

Apart from these apps, there are other apps too, which provide call recording feature. You can choose any app according to your need and budget.

Benefits of Call Recording in iPhone

Now let’s know what are the benefits of call recording in iPhone.-

  • If you forget something, you can listen to important calls later.
  • You can improve your performance by recording your interviews, meetings, presentations.
  • You can remember the conversations you had with your loved ones, and be happy after watching them.
  • You can keep proof of call recording to avoid any fraud or scam.

Is there call recording in iPhone?


Can we record calls on iPhone?

Yes, we can record calls in iPhone, but for this we need an external device.

Why is there no call recording on iPhone?

iPhone does not have call recording because Apple has intentionally blocked this feature as call recording may lead to some legal issues.


By now you must have known that call recording is possible in iPhone, but for this you will have to use some third-party gadgets or apps. iPhone’s default Phone app does not support call recording, because Apple has intentionally blocked this feature, due to legal issues.

If you want, you can record phone calls using the methods mentioned above. But you also have to keep in mind that you follow all the rules of call recording and respect the privacy and consent of the other person. Hope you liked this article “How to record calls in iPhone, very few people know the method?”, and you must have got help in recording calls on iPhone.

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