What is Ransomware | How to prevent Ransomware Full Guide Here

In the today time, you will find lots of computer viruses and smartphone viruses on the internet, but today a virus is becoming more and more popular, the name of the Ransomware Virus.
This virus is very dangerous, you should know about this virus, how can we avoid this virus (what is ransomware virus), so today we will tell you about this virus.

What is Ransomware, How to prevent Ransomware Full Guide Here

The digital world is also increasing the risk of viruses along with it. Recently, the ransomware virus has attacked users two or three times. Due to this attack, thousands of computers, hospitals, universities, banks, etc. were attacked in more than 150 countries of the world. Now its threat has spread to large personalities with personal computers and users.


Recently, people have a lot of misconception about this, that’s because May 12th, 2017 saw the world’s largest cyberattack in the history of the Internet. You may know this thing that a Ransomware is named “WannaCry”. Which sparked the entire world In just a few moments, its main target was the countries of Europe and the West.

WannaCry took advantage of a vulnerability of Windows OS, with the help of which it has gotten many computers in its grip. Within a few hours it had infected approximately 200,000 Machines, and then another big company such as Renault, NHS affected it.

What is Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of cyber-attack. This virus completely controls the user’s computer and demands payment. This virus can damage the computer as well as the smartphone. Ransomware downloads software that damages your computer or smartphone, through which it encrypts the user’s information.

How Ransomware Virus Works?

All of you know that all Virus is a Computer Program and Ransomware is also a Computer Program. Which works in 2 Phase “Encryption” or “Crypto lock” and “Decryption”.

In the “Encryption” or “Crypto lock” phase, hackers send Ransomware Virus to Victim’s computer via Email, Software, Pen-Drive. If the Victim can open that file in his computer, then all the data on the computer is encrypted. And there is a Deadline Message Show.

In the “Decryption” Phase hackers, Victim’s Computer Decrypt Unlock does, but demand a lot of money for it. After paying the money, he unlocks the computer again.

What is Ransomware, How to prevent Ransomware Full Guide Here

Types of Ransomware:

These are mainly of two types, from which they use the attackers to fulfill their purpose.
Encryptors: These are a special type of Ransomware, which is built using the Advanced Encryption Algorithms, it is designed in such a way that it will encrypt your machine completely in a short time, And without opening it without the Encryption Key, it is impossible to ask for the encryption key, otherwise all your documents will be wasted forever.
Lockers: These types of ransomware are very dangerous, which allow a user to lock their system from running. These directly lock the operating system of your Computer System. So that you can not access any apps or other programs. Files Encrypt is not here but the attackers demand money for the computer to open.
Even in the new version of some lockers, the system’s MBR (Master Boot Record) is also locked. For your information, let me tell you that the MBR is that section. Hard Drive which helps in getting the operating system started. And if not even booting, then the computer cannot start. And during the same time, some messages are flash in the message screen, which is referring to the payment.

How to Prevent Ransomware Virus:

  • Many people click on the unknown link so that any software is installed on your computer. Smartphones can also have a Ransomware Virus. If someone links to any such website or email, then you do not have to click on those unknown links. Do not install any software you do not know about in your computer or laptop. This software can be a virus.
  • To avoid the Ransomware Software Virus, you should first back up your data, this step is very important because if the hacker also delivers your data, you can restore the data. To avoid this virus attack, it is important to make a backup of your system.

Tips: You can delete all unknown software from your computer laptop or mobile that you do not know about. Because any third-party app can steal your phone’s details.

  • If you have any kind of unknown email that has any type of file attach, and tells you to download the file. So, you do not do all this mistake.
  • If you do not activate the firewall in your system then you must do it, if you have antivirus then you must use it. Many people use free antivirus which is not good if your data important can use good paid antivirus. This is the only way you can avoid the Ransomware Virus.

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