Top 5 Best Zoom Tips and Tricks for Video Conferencing for (Android/iPhone) 2020

Hey guys, I hope you are doing absolutely fine, and welcome back to another post. so in this post. I am talking about 5 cool tips, and tricks for zoom users. if they are using it on their Android or iOS devices. 

Top 5  Best Zoom Tips and Tricks for Video Conferencing for (Android/iPhone) 2020

hey just look at after this particular post because I’m sure most of you would want to know those tips and tricks that you can use on your Android or iOS device while making that video meeting so well what are we waiting for let’s get started.


Top 5  Best Zoom Tips and Tricks for Video Conferencing for (Android/iPhone) 2020

Now, here are some tricks that you can make awesome “Video Conferencing on Zoom App

 Trick1: To share your screen while you’re on call:

So, The first trick is very simple, which is to share your screen while you’re on call. you can do it on your mobile device, as well.
So while you’re on the call, Now, Just tap on the share icon that is located in the center, and then tap on the screen. once you have granted the app the required permissions, and it will start broadcasting your screens to all the participants out there.

Now, the trick can be very useful if you want to share files like PowerPoint presentation or an Excel workbook that you have on your phone, and you want to show the entire. I mean all the participants what we have been working on.

The next week also can help you with this particular screen sharing or data sharing and that is a whiteboard. You can also enable whiteboard while you’re in on a meeting on your Android or iOS device, and then share your ideas using that, Now to enable whiteboard tap on the share icon and then tap again on the option that says whiteboard.

Now, you can use this space to draw or illustrate anything, now this comes in really handy when you are trying to explain certain ideas, where you need to draw diagrams by hand.

Trick2: To share reaction while you’re on call:

Now, the next trick is pretty simple which is to share reaction while you’re on call. It is similar to the desktop client you can share reactions while you are talking through your mobile app, and it is very useful.

if you want to express something without interrupting the speaker, now to do that just tap on the three-dot icon that says mode and here you will be able to either send a clapping or a thumbs-up reaction. which will then show up as an overlay or the entire video.

Now, it’s very simple but useful trick, and while we are on that menu. The next thing that we want to check out there is the option of chat.
Now while the meeting is going on you can also chat with participants, and send text messages. I actually find it very useful, and to do that simply tap on the More icon and then tap on chat. You can even choose to send the message to an individual or everybody who is present on the chat.

Trick3: Driving Mode:

Now, moving on there’s something very exclusive to only mobile devices, but a very useful trick and that is the driving mode. Now in this particular mode the screen I mean your webcam is turned off, your microphone is set to mute unless you explicitly turn it on, and this can be very helpful.

if you let’s say I mean you might not be driving at the moment, but let’s say you want to attend the meeting, and still you want only the audio part, and you want to be there but without sharing yourself on a video.

Any or every background noises that are around you let’s say you are cooking, and you still want to be in that particular meeting. this particular trick can help you out now to switch to this mode simply swipe from left to right on your meeting screen, and voila both your video and mic will be muted. whenever you need to speak anything just tap on the big circle in the middle of the screen, and then you’ll be able to speak.

Then you can tap on it again to mute yourself. Now, I personally use this feature while I am cooking or doing some household work while I want to be in that meeting. 

Trick:4 Send chat message while video call:

So, moving on to the next trick and there have been times where I am on a video call, and somebody sends me a chat message or a text, and I am missing and well that’s where the next trick comes in quite handy now simply head over to settings chat, and in the section that says when to notify me to change it to always even if I am active on Desktop. 

Now, what this particular feature does is it basically sends you the messages even though you are on a video call, so that you are always notified. Now for some people it might be kind of intrusive or you don’t want to be disturbed. but still, this is a particular point that you must be aware of because just like me you might also not want to miss out on those important notifications.

Trick:5 Change the background of zoom:

Now, the last trick in the list is just available for iOS users out there. now these features are not yet available on Android but you might never know they might be pushed in the near future as an update. now these two tricks are to change the background like you can do on the desktop app of zoom and also to give that touch-up appearance while you are in a meeting.

Now, to change the background once you are inside a video meeting just tap on the three-dot menu, and then tap on the virtual background. You can select a pic of your choice or upload a pic of your own or just use the default that has been provided by zoom.
That’s not all just like the desktop client you can also enable a beauty filter of your choice, and now about that beauty filter, you can enable it by heading to Settings and then tapping on the option that says meeting.

Now, you need to scroll down all the way, and tap on touch my appearance, now just enable the toggle, and you are done. So it will give you the beautiful that you get while taking a selfie from so many films out there in the market.

Now this particular option is only available on iOS as I already set, but then might be available for Android in the near future, because it’s very useful as you can see so friends those were some of the best tips and tricks for all the zoom users out there for Android and iOS.

So, friends, this is the end of the article if you like this post please share it with your friends. If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. thank you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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