How To Use Your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

Today, I am going to show How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender. Basically, You can turn your Android device into a Wi-Fi repeater, and share a Wi-Fi network with other devices.

Sometimes your Wi-Fi router doesn’t cover your entire home, and this is where Wi-Fi repeaters or Wi-Fi extenders come into play. you can either buy a Wi-Fi repeater separately, or you can extend the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network by using your Android device.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

A Wi-Fi repeater is used to extend the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network. WiFi Extender works by amplifying an existing WiFi signal and transmit the boosted signal as output. The Wi-Fi sharing feature is not present in Android devices by default. So, how can you turn your smartphone into a Wi-Fi repeater? Well, you can use a WiFi repeater app to turn it into a WiFi extender.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share


How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender

STEP1: The Wi-Fi repeater feature is not present in Android devices by default. You have to use a Wi-Fi extender application for that head to Google Play Store, and download and install the Net Share App.👇

Download  Net Share – Extend a Wifi network to all devices

STEP2: it’s the best Wi-Fi repeater app for Android that doesn’t require root.  You need to just tap on the button named start sharing.

Note: Make sure you are connected to your Wi-Fi network.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

Now, the app shows some information including SSID, password, IP address, and port number you’ll require these details to join this network.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

STEP3: Now, another Android device connect to the SSID with the password from the app then, you have to use the unique proxy settings to access the Internet.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

STEP4: Now you’re all set to test the connection. if you are using a Windows PC first connect to the network.

STEP5: Then to change the proxy settings head to control panel and click on “Network and Internet”, and then click on “Internet options”

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

STEP6: Now, goto connections tab, and click on LAN setting in the address box. Now enter and enter 404355 in the port field, and then save the settings.

How To Use your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender | Net Share

You have access to the Wi-Fi network transmitted from your android phone. So, that’s all about making your android device work as a Wi-Fi repeater.

Let us know if the app worked for you, and help you in extending your Wi-Fi signal. So, In this post, I covered “How To Use Your Android Phone as WiFi Repeater/Extender “. If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. If you like this post please don’t forget to share it with friends also please socialize it.

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