How to Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File | Import passwords to chrome 2020!

In this post, we will show you “How to import passwords, and login information into Google Chrome from a different browser or computer. I’m assuming you already have a CSV file containing all your passwords.

How to Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File | Import passwords to chrome 2020!

As you know Chrome lets you easily export passwords to a CSV file, but importing the passwords from a CSV file is not easy. So, in this post, I am going to show several methods to do that.


How to Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File 

Now, here 4 methods to easily Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File. follow simple steps-

METHOD1: Using Dev-Tools in Chrome

In this method, we will forcibly activate the import option using the built-in dev tools in Chrome. so, step by step follow me-

STEP1; First of all, open your Chrome Browser, and Goto Setting option in Chrome Browser.

STEP2; Now, select the password option, and then click on Autofill, inside the left on Browser.

STEP3; Now, Right-click export passwords click on inspect. Just above the highlighted element locate the word label hidden, and double click on it,  then press Delete on your keyboard.

STEP4; Now, you should see the import option here, you can use it to import passwords from a CSV file.

METHOD2: Enable Password Import In Chrome Shortcut

Before going ahead make sure you have turned off all the background processes of Chrome Browser, then simply close the browser. Now follow the steps-

STEP1; First of all, Right-click on the Chrome desktop shortcut.

STEP2; Now, Click on properties at the end of the target path. You need to just copy given below string, and click on apply, then click on OK.


STEP3; Now, open Chrome using Desktop Shortcut Icon, do not use Chrome’s icon on the Taskbar Menu.

STEP4; Now, go to the password section, You can see the import option is available now.

METHOD3: Using Command Prompt

Before you begin exit all running instances of Google Chrome.

STEP1; Now, open the command prompt copy, and paste below command press Enter.

cd “Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplication”

STEP2; Now, again copy, and paste below command, and press Enter.

STEP3; Once the command is executed Chrome will launch automatically.

STEP4; Now, navigate to the password section. You should see the option label import.

STEP5; Now, simply click the option, and select the CSV file that you want to import your passwords.

METHOD4: Temporarily Unexpire M78 Flags

This method is temporary, and may not work when you are reading this post.

STEP1; First of all, Copy the below URL, and Paste URL in Chrome Address Bar.


STEP2; Enable the Temporarily unexpired M78 flags, and reopen Chrome Browser.

STEP3; Now, search “password import”. it should be available now, and you can easily enable it.
So, the import option is now available in Chrome’s password manager.

So, In this way, You can easily Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File.


That’s it. So, friends, this is the end of the article, So, In this post, I covered “How to Import Passwords into Chrome from CSV File “. If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. If you like this post please don’t forget to share it with friends also please socialize it.

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