How to Generate Passkeys in the 1Password App

When you use social media, bank apps, or other websites, they usually request a username and password for you to get in. Remembering all these details for different platforms can be overwhelming. Luckily, tools like 1Password have come to the rescue, making the hassle of memorizing login information a thing of the past.

How to Generate Passkeys in the 1Password App

Now, these password managers are taking things a step further by introducing something called passkeys. This is a solution to the security problems linked to usernames and passwords, and 1Password is embracing this change too. You can set up passkeys on your web browser and Apple devices. They are also working on extending this feature to Android phones, specifically those with Android 14, like the Google Pixel 8 series. Let’s walk through how to set it up.

How to save passkeys in 1Password

If you want to set up a passkey for a website, start by confirming if the site actually allows passkeys. Visit 1Password’s passkey directory and look through the list of supported sites. Another way is to include the website in your items on 1Password and explore the details provided about the site using the Watchtower function.

How to save passkeys in 1Password on Web

If the website allows passkeys, use these steps on your computer to make your passkey and store it in 1Password:
STEP1: To get started, add the 1Password extension (1Password X) to your Chromium-based browser, Firefox, or Safari. Log in to your account afterward.
STEP2: Next, head to the passkey-supported website and input your account details for logging in. Move to the site’s security settings.
STEP3: Look for the “Create a passkey” option and choose it. A 1Password box appears, prompting you to save the website.
STEP5: Click on Save, and a box will confirm that your passkey has been successfully saved.

How to save passkeys in 1Password on a smartphone

The steps for making passkeys on your iPhone are much like the web version.
STEP1: Start by launching a passkey-supported app or website. Navigate to the settings page and locate the passkeys option. A 1Password pop-up will appear, asking you to include the site.
STEP2: Simply tap Save to complete the process.
Note: To employ 1Password’s passkey feature on your iPhone, make sure your device operates on iOS 17 or a more recent version.
1Password is in the process of introducing the passkey feature to Android. Once it’s available, you’ll need Android 14 or a newer version. The functionality will mirror that of the iOS version.

Signing In with Passkeys in 1Password

Once you’ve successfully stored your passkey, follow these steps to sign in to the corresponding site or app:
STEP1: Visit the sign-in page of the website where the passkey is saved. A pop-up window will display a list of your passkeys stored in 1Password.
STEP2: Click the Sign In button located to the right of the item containing your passkey.

Deleting a Passkey in 1Password

When you delete a passkey from 1Password, keep in mind that it won’t remove it from the corresponding website or service. Here’s how to delete a passkey on a website when removing it from 1Password:
STEP1: Log in to your 1Password account and locate the service you want to delete. You’ll find the saved username, password, and passkey for the site.
STEP2: Click or tap Edit.
STEP3: Look for the remove icon (a red minus sign in a circle) next to the passkey field, then click or tap it.
STEP4: Finally, click or tap Save to confirm the removal.

Tips for Using 1Password Passkeys

  • When using the passkeys feature, you might encounter some issues. Here’s what you can do:
  • If you don’t see the option to save a passkey in 1Password, confirm that the site supports it. If it does, reach out to 1Password with the website’s link address.
  • When signing in to a site using your browser’s built-in passkey manager, 1Password may suggest using a passkey. Click the security key icon to log in with your browser.
  • Keep in mind that you cannot export your passkeys from 1Password.
  • If you want to opt out of 1Password’s passkey function, go to the 1Password settings, find Autofill, and turn off “Offer to save and sign in with passkeys.”


In conclusion, 1Password’s passkey feature shines as an innovative force in the field of cybersecurity. It not only tackles the intricacies and uncertainties of digital security but also does so with a user-friendly approach that transforms how we understand and engage with online protection.


How secure are 1Password passkeys compared to traditional passwords?
Our passkeys employ advanced encryption methods, providing a higher level of security than traditional passwords.
Can I use 1Password passkeys across multiple devices?
Absolutely! 1Password ensures seamless integration across various devices, enhancing accessibility without compromising security.
Is creating a passkey a complicated process?
Not at all. The process is user-friendly, guided by intuitive steps to make it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.
How does 1Password address burstiness in cybersecurity threats?
1Password’s adaptive security measures respond dynamically to burstiness, providing real-time protection against evolving threats.
Can I revert to traditional passwords after using 1Password passkeys?
While passkeys offer enhanced security, 1Password accommodates user preferences, allowing a seamless transition between security methods.

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