How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | Mr Robot Hacks!

Hello Guys, once again, your most welcome in this blog. I’m very excited to complete this post quickly because this post is going to be an interesting post for you. In this post, we will talk about “How Elliot Hacked the Prison?” Did you watch Mr Robot Web series? 

How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | Mr Robot Hacks!

Mr. Robot follows Elliot, a young programmer who works as a cyber-security engineer by day and as a vigilante hacker by night. Elliot finds himself at a crossroads when the mysterious leader of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the firm he is paid to protect.


This time I’m talking about the hack Elliot performed to free vera from prison to save Shayla. So, the big idea was to hack police laptop using car Bluetooth and then upload malware through FTP and get control of the prison’s digital security system.


How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | How He did it?

This whole hack can be divided into stages:
1. Scanning Bluetooth device
2. Spoofing mac Address of keyboard
3. Link Bluetooth device to cop’s laptop
4. Hack the Prison
STEP 1: Enable Bluetooth turn on Bluetooth device, and check if it is up, type the below command-

kali > service bluetooth start

kali > hciconfig hci0 up 

kali > hciconfig hci0

How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | Mr Robot Hacks!

STEP 2: Scanning for Bluetooth Devices. Elliot used kali’s inbuilt Bluetooth scanner named “Hcitool

How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | Mr Robot Hacks!

STEP 3: Spoof the MAC Address of the Keyboard. Kali Linux has a tool designed to spoof Bluetooth devices called spooftooph. We can use it to spoof the keyboard with a command

kali > spooftooph -i hci0-a A0:02:DC:11:4F:85-n Car537

How Elliot Hacked the Prison? | Mr Robot Hacks!


 -i designates the device, in this case, hci0

-a designates the MAC address we want to


-n designates the name of the device we want to spoof, in this case, “Car537”

STEP 4: Now, here is where reality and the Mr. Robot storyline diverge…
  • Link Bluetooth Device to the Cop’s Laptop.
  • For Eliot to now connect to the cop car’s laptop, he would need the link-key (this is a key to identify the previously-paired Bluetooth device) that was exchanged between the keyboard and the Bluetooth adapter on the laptop.
  • He could guess it (unlikely) or crack it, but it won’t be as fast as it appeared in the show. 
  • Another possibility is that when the system rebooted or the keyboard was disconnected, Elliot could connect to the laptop as it is a clone of the cop’s keyboard. In either case, it would take more time than Elliot had in this episode to hack the cop’s Bluetooth keyboard.

STEP 5: Hack the jail:

Elliot uses the cop’s hacked computer to upload malware via FTP that will give him control of the prison cell doors. So, As I said Mr. Robot’s hacking is very realistic, but even in this show, the director takes some literary license. That’s allowed-creative works should be not limited by reality.

LAST WORD: This is enough for now,  I hope, you have enjoyed this post. we will meet very soon as always with an interesting article, and thank you so much for reading this full article post.

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