Best Useful KeyBoard Shortcut Keys for Windows user.

Hello Friends,  you are welcome here. In this article, I will show you the “Best Useful KeyBoard Shortcut Key for Windows User”. We will have a computer and always do some in less time. Generaly we don’t have enough knowledge of shortcut keys, which work better when we have not much time to sit with our computer.

Best Keyboard shortcut

What is KeyBoard shortcut according to Wikipedia?

In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys that invoke a software or operating system operation (in other words, cause an event) when triggered by the user. The meaning of term “keyboard shortcut” can vary depending on software manufacturer. For instance, Microsoft differentiates keyboard shortcuts from hotkeys (“mnemonics” on Windows) whereby the former consists of a specific key combination used to trigger an action, and the latter represents a designated letter in a menu command or toolbar button that when pressed together with the Alt key, activates such command—whereas a “hotkey” on Windows is a system wide shortcut that is always available in all contexts as long as the program responsible for it is running and not suspended.

Friends So, lets get start,

General Shortcuts Keys:

  • F1    {Display Help}
  • F2    {Rename the selected item}
  • F3    {Search for a file or folder}
  • F4    {Display the Address bar list in file explorer}
  • F5    {Refresh the active window}
  • F6    {Cycle through screen elements in a window}
  • F10     {Activate the menu bar in the active application}
  • ALT+F4   {Close the active item, and exit the active app}
  • ALT+ESC  {Cycle through item in the order in which you were opened}
  • ALT+ENTER   {Display propertie for the selected item}
  • ALT+SPACEBAR  { Opened the shortcut menu for the active window}
  • ALT+LEFT ARROW   {Back}
  • ALT+RIGHT ARROW {Forward}
  • ALT+PAGE UP   { Mowe Down}
  • ALT+PAGE DOWN  {Move up}
  • ALT+TAB   {Switch between open application }
  • CTRL+A      {Select all items in a document}
  • CTRL+C      {Copy the selected item}
  • CTRL+D      {Delete the selected item}
  • CTRL+V      {Paste the selected item}
  • CTRL+X      {Cut the selected item}
  • CTRL+Y      {Redu an action}
  • CTRL+Z      {Undo an action}
  • CTRL+LEFT ARROW  {Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word}
  • CTRL+RIGHT ARROW  {Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word}
  • CTRL+DOWN ARROW  {Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph}
  • CTRL+UP ARROW   {Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph}
  • CTRL+ARROW+SPACEBAR   {Selected multiple individual item}
  • CTRL+ALT+TAB    {Use the arrow keys to switch between all application}
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW  {Select a block of text}
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ESC  {Open Task Manager}
  • CTRL+ESC   {Open the start screen}
  • CTRL+SPACEBAR  {Turn the chinese input method editor (IME) on and OFF}
  • SHIFT+F10   {Display the shortcut menu for selected item}
  • ESC  {Stop the current task}
  • SHIFT+DELETE  {Delete the selected item without moving recycle bin}

Windows Key Shortcuts:

  • WINDOW KEYS+F1   {open windows help and support}
  • WINDOW KEYS+B  {Set Focus in notification area}
  • WINDOW KEYS     {Display the stert srceen}
  • WINDOW KEYS+C    {Open charms}
  • WINDOW KEYS+D   {Hide and Display the Desktop}
  • WINDOW KEYS+E   {Open File explorer}
  • WINDOW KEYS+F   {Open the search charm}
  • WINDOW KEYS+H  {Open the share charm}
  • WINDOW KEYS+I    {Open setting in Charm}
  • WINDOW KEYS+K   {Open the device charm}
  • WINDOW KEYS+L   {Lock your PC}
  • WINDOW KEYS+M  {Minimize all window}
  • WINDOW KEYS+O   {Lock Device Orientation}
  • WINDOW KEYS+P    {Choose a presentation display mode}
  • WINDOW KEYS+R    {Open the RUN dialog box}
  • WINDOW KEYS+S    {Open the search window and web}
  • WINDOW KEYS+T    {Cycle through apps on the taskbar}
  • WINDOW KEYS+U   {Open the Ease of access center}
  • WINDOW KEYS+V   {Cycle through notification}
  • WINDOW KEYS+W  {Open the search charm}
  • WINDOW KEYS+X   {Open the quick link menu}
  • WINDOW KEYS+Z   {Show the command available in the application}
  • WINDOW KEYS+SHIFT+V   {Cycle through notification in the reverse order}
  • WINDOW KEYS+,    {Temporarily peek at the pc}
  • WINDOW KEYS+PAUSE   {Display the system properties dialog box}
  • WINDOW KEYS+CTRL+F {Search for pc}
  • WINDOW KEYS+SHIFT+M  {Restore minimized windows on the desktop}
  • WINDOW KEYS+TAB   {Cycle through recently used application}
  • WINDOW KEYS+CTRL+B   {Switch to the app that displayed a message in the notification area}
  • WINDOW KEYS+DOWN ARROW  {Remove current application from screen and minimize the Desktop}
  • WINDOW KEYS+UP ARROW  { Maximize the window}
  • WINDOW KEYS+LEFT ARROW  {Maximize the application window to the left side of the screen}
  • WINDOW KEYS+RIGHT ARROW  {Maximize the application window to the right side of the screen}
  • WINDOW KEYS+HOME  {Minimize all but active desktop window}
  • WINDOW KEYS+SHIFT+UP ARROW  { Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen}
  • WINDOW KEYS+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW   {Minimize active desktop windows vertically}
  • WINDOW KEYS+SPACEBAR   {Switch input language}
  • WINDOW KEYS+CTRL+SPACEBAR   {Change to previously select input}
  • WINDOW KEYS+ENTER   {Open narrator}
  • WINDOW KEYS+ALT+ENTER  {Open windows media center}
  • WINDOW KEYS+ESC  {Exit magnifier}

File Explorer Shortcuts Keys:

  • CTRL+E   {Select the search box}
  • CTRL+F   {Select the search box}
  • CTRL+N  {Open a new window}
  • CTRL+W {Close the current window}
  • CTRL+SHIFT+E  {Display all folder above the selected folder}
  • CTRL+SHIFT+N {Create a new folder}
  • ALT+D  {Select the address bar}
  • NUM LOCK+ *  {Display all sub folder under the selected folder}
  • NUM LOCK+ + {Display  the contents of the selected folder}
  • NUM LOCK+ –  {Collapse the selected folder}
  • ALT+P  {Display the preview }
  • ALT+ENTER  {Open the properties dialog box for the selected item}
  • ALT+LEFT ARROW   {View the previous folder}
  • ALT+RIGHT ARROW  {View the next folder}
  • BACKSPACE   {View the previous folder}
  • F11    {Maximize or minimize the active window}
  • LEFT ARROW   {Collapse the current selection}
  • RIGHT ARROW  {Display the current selection}
  • HOME  {Display the top of the active window}
  • END      {Display the bottom of the active window}

Dialog Box Shortcuts Keys:

  • F1  {Display Help}
  • F4 {Display the items in the active list}
  • CTRL+TAB  {Move forward through tabs}
  • CTRL+SHIFT+TAB  {Move back through tabs}
  • TAB  {Move Forward through option}
  • SPACEBAR  {Select and clear the check box }
  • ARROW KEYS  {Select a button if the active option is a group of buttons}

Ease of Access Shortcuts Keys:

  • LEFT ALT+LEFT SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN  {Turbn high contrast ON or OFF}
  • LEFT ALT+LEFT SHIFT+NUM LOCK   {Turn mouse keys ON or OFF}
  • HOLD RIGHT SHIFT   {Hold for 7 sec , turn Filter Keys ON or OFF}
  • Press SHIFT five times   { Turn Sticky Key ON or OFF}
  • Press NUM LOCK for Five sec { Turn toggle keys ON or OFF}
  • WINDOWS KEY+U  {Open the Ease of Access Center}

         Now this is the end of post. If you like this post then don”t forget to share it. Thank u and Good bye.

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