How to SPY on someone with a Man in the Middle Attack(MITM)?

Hello Guys! You’re warm welcome in this advance hacking blog. Now today, we are going to spy on the victim by using “Man in the Middle(MITM)” Method.

How to SPY on someone with a Man in the Middle Attack(MITM)?

Man in the middle is a type of eavesdropping attack that occurs when a malicious actor inserts himself as an intruder into a communication session between people or systems.

Let’s start spying.


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How to SPY on someone with a Man in the Middle Attack?

Now, here are some steps that you can easily “SPY on someone”, So, Step by step follow me-

STEP1: First of all, Find your Victim, and Gateway. You could find a victim on your LAN via a ping scan or an ARP scan. I’ve already selected my victim (, and we can find our default gateway by using the route command and hit enter key:

route -n

Now we’re almost ready to launch our attack.

STEP2: Now, Enable IP Forwarding. In order to enable IP forwarding, we need to write a “1” to a file under the /proc directory. Let’s take a look at the command that will enable IP forwarding
for us, so write below command, and hit enter key:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Note: If we put a one in the ip_forward file, we effectively turn IP forwarding on.

STEP3: Now that we’ve enabled IP forwarding, we can establish our MITM. We’re going to be using a tool by the name of arpspoof in order to launch our attack. write the below command, and hit the enter key:

arpspoof -h

STEP4: Alright, it looks like we need to use -t and -r in order to specify our victims.
We also need to use -i to specify the network interface. So, we want to send our attack out of (in our
case, wlan0). write the below command, and hit the enter key:

arpspoof -i wlan0 -t -r

STEP5: We’re going to be using a tool named urlsnarf in order to sniff the victim’s web activity. write the below command, and hit the enter key:

urlsnarf -i wlan0

Now, when we execute the above command, we’re going to get lots of output, so I’m just going to
filter through it and highlight what we’re looking for. Let’s take a look at our sniffing results:

We can see in the highlighted output above that our victim at is browsing on none
other than

So in this way, you can easily “SPY on someone”, and I covered “how to SPY on someone with a Man in the Middle Attack?” Now stay in touch with your loved ones without any interruption. So, friends, this is the end of the article, If you liked this post, please do not forget to share it.

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