How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

In today’s post, we will know about how to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool, whose help can get the accurate sensitive information of the Facebook user. Such as E-mail id, phone number, DOB, location, education, etc.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

It is important to read the post till the last or else your Facebook account can also be blocked. This method will set up a Facebook boat, it will require a tool, In this method, we use the fbi tool, this tool is available on GitHub, and to use this tool, you must have a Linux operating system, hoping that you will definitely have Kali Linux. This tool is very useful for ethical hackers. So let’s get started-


How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot

Now, here are some steps that you can easily get Facebook user’s information, Step by step follow me- 

STEP1; First of all, you need to open your Kali Linux terminal and enter this command “cd Desktop” for going to your desktop because in the desktop you need to install fbi tool.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP2; Now, You need to download fbi tool by executing below command in terminal window of Kali Linux –

git clone

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP3;  After, downloading fbi tool will start, and after that, you can see a fbi file in your desktop, so you need to wait for downloading it completely.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP4; Now, again go to the terminal window of Kali Linux and execute below command-

cd fbi

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

Note: But remember you do not forget to change the directory, you have to go through the terminal again, where your fbi file was downloaded.

STEP5; To run this tool, some packages of Python are required, all you need to do is to run a command, and all packages and services will be downloaded. Now type below command, and hit enter key-

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP6; Now you have to run the tool, for that type the command below-


STEP7; Now you will see that the fbi tool has been opened, to help the command, type the command given below –


STEP8; The token must be generated before this tool can be used. Execute the command to generate the token –


STEP9; Now login to your Facebook account.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

Note: Be careful not to use VPN and tor while logging in, nor use your main Facebook account. I suggest that use a fake Facebook account.

STEP10; Now, After login, you will see that the token is generated.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP11; Now, sharing the list of commands below, you can use the command according to your need –

get_data              You can fetch all friend’s data
get_info              You can show information about your friend.
dump_id              You can fetch all id from friend list.
dump_phone       You can fetch all phone number from friend list.
dump_mail          You can fetch all e-mail from friend list.
dump_id              You can fetch id from your friend (specific)

If you need more commands, write help command in the terminal window, you will see all the commands related to it.

How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

STEP12; For example, if I want to see the user id of all my Facebook friends, then for that I will use the command-


How to get Facebook user’s information using Facebook bot | Facebook information gathering Tool

Now you will see that the detail of id has been dumped, you can see the output by going to that file location.
So in this way you can use different commands to retrieve information from Facebook.

So using this trick, you can easily get Facebook user’s information. Now stay in touch with your loved ones without any interruption. So, friends, this is the end of the article, If you liked this post, please do not forget to share it.

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