How to Configure Kali Linux on Amazon AWS Cloud for FREE

The pen-testing distribution of choice is Kali Linux. The Internet is home to a multitude of Kali Linux tutorials. That being said, there is a persistent complaint from users about not receiving the public IP (WAN). They also take issue with the fact that it is limited to their local network. By connecting a Linux machine to the internet and setting up port forwarding and the router, we can fix this issue. But, as this will draw unsolicited traffic and hackers who could use your computer to join a global botnet, it is not advised.

How to Configure Kali Linux on Amazon AWS Cloud for FREE

Your goal can be achieved most effectively by hosting Kali Linux in the cloud, where the vendor takes care of the server and network while you concentrate on pentesting. Moreover, it’s free!

The methods to set up Kali Linux on the free Amazon AWS cloud will be covered in this post.

How to Configure Kali Linux on Amazon AWS Cloud for FREE

STEP1: To begin with, you will need an Amazon AWS account. Thus, register for an Amazon AWS account or, if you already have one, sign in. Enter your payment information after logging in successfully (remember that you won’t be charged until you go over the free tier limit).


STEP2: Give Amazon a call to verify your identity after submitting your payment information. After validation, proceed to the following step by choosing the basic plan.

STEP3: SSH key pairs are required in the following step so that you can access Kali Linux from your host machine. To create SSH key pairs, navigate to your Amazon AWS interface, click on the key pairs (located under the network & security menu), choose the Create Key Pair option, and then give the pair you’ve chosen a name.

Note: The private key will be automatically downloaded to your device; keep it secure because you will not be able to get it again if you don’t have it.

STEP4: Now, from your Amazon AWS Marketplace, locate the Kali Linux instance.

Before proceeding with the instance, make sure that the suitable region is selected. You can confirm the region from your AWS console account.

STEP5: Now, click on the “Launch with 1-click” button to start the instance that was recently configured. The Amazon AWS console allows you to see your machine’s status as well.

Now that the Kali Linux cloud configuration has been finished, let’s talk about how to access it using a Windows computer. The following steps are required:

  • PuTTy 
  • PuTTygen

STEP1: Open PuTTygen and load the private key file you previously downloaded after downloading and installing the necessary tools from the official website. The goal is to transform it into a format that is compatible with PuTTY.

STEP2: PuTTYgen should be closed after saving the private key. After connecting to your Kali Linux system with PuTTY, open the Auth tab under the SSH menu and load the private key.

STEP3: Use the Kali Linux machine’s public DNS detail and username, ec2-user, in the session:

STEP4: When you click “Open,” you’re ready. We will SSH into our instance and update the system after it has been launched. We may accomplish this by executing the subsequent commands:

apt-get upgrade -y and apt-get update

Any necessary tool installations can be done once the system has been updated. Additionally, we can enable intrusion detection systems and set the firewall.

LAST WORD: In conclusion, setting up Kali Linux on an EC2 instance hosted by Amazon is a fantastic approach to begin penetration testing and ethical hacking. It’s an affordable approach to get the equipment and materials need to understand how to carry out these tasks successfully. Your own Kali Linux lab may be up and running quickly with a little bit of work.

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