we are going to show you, how to use a port scanner to identify home routers, and after that, we will try to log in to those routers.
Guys, In the world, most of the users don’t change their router’s default password because most of them only know how to use it without knowing how to configure the router itself. So that’s the point. We can use that vulnerability to hack the routers.
So Let’s Get Started-
- Port Scanner (Nmap, Zenmap)
- Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox or Safari)
- Internet Connection(Any kind of Internet connection)
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Guys, I want to tell you, why I use Zenmap because Nmap is the best network scanning tool of hackers, and Zenmap is the graphical user interface of Nmap.
Important Note: This post is only for educational purposes. I didn’t harm anyone, please don’t use this method any kind of illegal or malicious activity because hacking is a crime if you do this then it’s can land you in jail. I do not support any kind of illegal or malicious hacking.
How to Hack the Home Routers and gain the Admin Rights | Step by Step follow me
STEP1; Now, First of all, we should select an IP range. I have selected an IP range that includes my public IP address.
STEP2; Now let’s scan for home routers, using the Zenmap tool.
STEP3; After completing your scan, You can find IP addresses that have open ports such as HTTP port(80), FTP port(21) and telnet port(23).
STEP4; I have found many IP addresses with port 80 is opened, and so I stopped my scan.
STEP5; Now, the next step is you can access these addresses using your web browser because, HTTP port is opened, and we need to find whether the web page is a router login page.
STEP6; If you see the alert error messages, it says TD-8817. Now, you can visit routerpassword.com to know the default router username and password.
STEP7; Now let’s try to access these IP addresses using default logins. we just got on Step6.
Note: Default username and passwords are not the same for every router.With username: admin and password: admin, we can log in to the router administration page.
So these are the steps by which we can easily “Hack the Home Routers and gain the Admin Rights” Now, stay in touch with your loved ones without any interruption. So, friends, this is the end of the article, If you liked this post, please do not forget to share it, without your support, I can not reach this knowledge even further, so help me by sharing my post so that I can bring you a tricks more than one To share the post.