[BlueBorne Bluetooth Hacking Attack] What is BlueBorne Exploit?

 Hello guys , In this post today i am going to teach you  about “Blue Borne Exploit”  what is Blue Born Exploit, and how can we avoid this? Friends Recently, Armes Lab has a Bluetooth vulnerability search, named Blue Born. The device which is Bluetooth enabled by this attack can be hacked. The attack vector “BlueBorne” Exposes almost every connected device.
Blue Borne is an attack vector by which hackers can leverage blutooth connection to penetrate and take complete control over targeted devices. Blue Borne affects ordinary computers, mobile phone and the expanding realm of lot devices. The new attack vector endangering major mobile, desktop and lot operating system , including Android ,Windows, iOS , Linux and the devices using them. The new vector is dubbed “BlueBorne”, as it spread through the air (airbone) and attacks devices via Blutooth. The attack does not require any malicious file, link or the targeted devices to be paired to the attacker device, or even to be set discoverable mode. The attacker locates active Bluetooth connections and device can be identified.

BlueBorne Bluetooth Hacking Attack@myteachworld.com

It allows an attacker to strike completely undetected , it attack occur without victim’s knowledge.
Suppose a hacker has accessed your smartphone via Blue Brone Attack, then he can take away all the data on your phone and transfer it to his system. Hackers can send viruses or malware to your system, hackers can be hacked from any other device through your device via Bluetooth.
Blue Borne provide a number of opportunities for the attacker. Frist spreading through the air renders the attack much more contagious, and allows it to spread with minimum effort. Second , it allows the attack to bypass current security measures and remain undetected. The attacker obtains the device’s MAC address. Which is a unique identifier of that specific device. By probing the device, the attacker can determine which operating system his victim is using, and adjust his exploit accordingly.
This is true hacking attack, and this Zero Day vulnerability has been discovered by Armes Lab.

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How do you find Blue Born vulnerability in your device?

All Android phones, tablets, and wearables(except those using only Bluetooth low energy) of all version are affected by four vulnerabilities found in the Android operating system, two of which allow remote code execution(CVE-2017-0781 and CVE-2017-0782). One results in information leak(CVE-2017-0785) and the last allows an attacker to perform a Man-in-the-middle-attack(CVE-2017-0783).

All Windows computers since WindowS Vista are affected by the ”Blutooth Pineapple” vulnerability which allow an attacker to perform a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE-ATTACK(CVE-2017-8628).

All Linux device running BlueZ are affected by the information leak vulnerability(CVE-2017-1000250). All Linux device from version 3.3-rc1 (released in October 2011) are affected by the remote code execution vulnerability(CVE-2017-1000251)

To find Blue Born vulnerability in your device, install the app given below.

Download BlueBorne Vulnerability Scanner 

BlueBorne Bluetooth Hacking Attack@myteachworld.com

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