Best Android Hacking Apps in 2020 | Easiest way to learn hacking using android app

 Hello dear friends , i am happy to see you here. my today topic is “Best Android Hacking Apps in 2020 | Easiest way to learn hacking using android app”because Linux is the best operating system for Ethical Hacking and Penetration testing. Android is Linux based operating system so there are many various hacking apps for android. Here we are sharing to list of best Android Hacking apps.

Best Android Hacking Apps in 2020 | Easiest way to learn hacking using android app

List of best Android Hacking Apps 

 Hackode :  Hackode is The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc.
  Download Link 

       Androrat:-   Androrat is a Remote Administration Tool for Android .which is used to control a system without having physical access to the system. Android is client/server application his developed in java . Android for the client side and in java/swing for the server. This app is not directly available as an APK file you need Android SDK to compile and run this project.
                                                                     Download Link  

       DroidBox:- Droid box is best tool for hacking , which is used Analysis of Android applications. DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic analysis of android application. 
                                                                     Download Link

       Nmap:-   Nmap is best tool of network security scanner , It is used by professionals for network exploration. which is also availabe for Android devices. this app is not a official app. this app work on both rooted and non rooted android phone. but your phone is rooted then you have access some more features.                                         
                                                                   Download Link                         
       Dsploit:- Dsploit is a very use full app for Android network analysis and penetration suite. It is a complete toolkit so you can perform various attacks like password sniffing, Port Scanner, Inspector, real-time traffic manipulation, etc. It is an advanced professional tool kit to perform network security on android device.                                    
                                                                       Download Link          

       DroidSheep:-  This app can be easily used for any android user . the provider of the web service can protect the users. so any android users can test the security of his account by himself. It allows us to capture social account by hijacking sessions on android devices present in your network.
                                                                         Download Link

     Wifi Kill:- This app used for disable internet connection any device, which is present in your wifi network. WiFiKill is designed to take revenge on bandwidth hogs who are slowing down your network. This app works only with rooted phones and works, similarly to FaceNiff, by spoofing ARP replies to trick other devices on the network into thinking your Android phone is the router.
                                                                           Download Link

   Wifi Analyzer:-  This app used for turns your android phone into a Wi-Fi analyzer. you are connected to your router. show the wifi channel arround u. You can also view the signal strength of each of the networks in the style of a speedometer in a car and see network details such as security levels.
                                                                           Download Link
  Zanti:-  Zanti is a best of best app for Ethical Hackers. Zanti is penetration testing tool kit. that lets security managers access the risk level of a network with the push of a button. 
                                                                           Download Link

Note:-   All these posted apps shared only for Educational purpose .

                                  Now here is the end of the article this is overall information for you . so you can easily convert your android into a hacking machine. Don’t forget to share this post. share it on facebook or any social sites . Thank you so much.

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