5+ Best CMD command used in hacking | Popular Command used in Command Prompt

Hello guys, if you are interested in Ethical Hacking, and if you are a computer geek then today’s post can be very helpful for you, today I will tell you 5+ Best CMD Hacking Command.
command prompt is a part of the computer’s operating system, which we know as  CUI-Character User Interface.

cmd hacking, command prompt

CMD is a very usefull feature, and it is also used mostly in Hacking. So if you are interested in knowing 5+ best cmd hacking commands, today in this post we will know about 5+ best hacking commands,


 ping – A basic command to know the IP address of any website.

STEP1; First, open the cmd prompt.

STEP2;  type ping google.com.

STEP3;  Now you can know the IP address of any website from here.
You can see in the screenshot below.

cmd hacking, command prompt

nslookup – This is also a best command, it is also used mostly in hacking. With this cmd you can also find server address with any website’s IP address.

STEP1; First, open the cmd prompt.
STEP2;Type nslookup google.com
STEP3; Now you can know the server address of any website from here.
cmd hacking2019, command prompt, hacking
With this cmd you can also know the IP address of any mail server.
STEP1; First, open the cmd prompt.
STEP2;  type nslookup and hit enter key.
STEP3;  and again type set type=mx and hit enter key.
STEP4;  Write the address of the mail server and press Enter key.
cmd hacking, command prompt, linux
ipconfig – With this command you can find network information on your system such as IP, DNS & More ..
STEP1;  First, open the command prompt.
STEP2;   Type ipconfig and hit enter key.
cmd hacking, command prompt, linux
ipconfig / all – If the IP address of the system is dynamic, you can also change it.
Again open the command prompt.
Now type ipconfig/release and hit enter key.
netuser – Friends, this is a very useful Command, you can change your computer password, it also without old password.
STEP1;  First, open the cmd prompt in Administrator Mode.
STEP2;  Now type net user user-name new-password and hit enterkey.
STEP3;  Now password of your computer will change.

cmd hacking, command prompt, linux
tracert – You can check the route of any website from this cmd.

STEP1;  First, open the command prompt.

STEP2;  Type tracert www.example.com and hit enterkey.

STEP3; Now you can find the Route of any website from here.
linux, cmd hacking, command prompt
route – it is also a best command to check your system’s routing table, gateway, interface or more router detail.

STEP1; First, open the command prompt.

STEP2; Type route print and hit enterkey.

Now you can see all detail.
cmd hacking, command prompt, linux
So friends this is the end of the article , So hopefully friends do not forget to share this with you friends if you liked this article. thank you so much ,stay tune with this blog and blog’s admin Mr. Aditya Singh.

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