BEST Screen Recorder For iOS – Screen Record iPhone & iPad NO CRASHES

Hello Guys, Welcome to the blog. In this post looking at “BEST Screen Recorder For iOS – Screen Record iPhone & iPad NO CRASHES” and how to set up screen recording, how to download a screen recorder and even record your games, and also how to fix your mic audio not showing up your 100% get. 

BEST Screen Recorder For iOS - Screen Record iPhone & iPad NO CRASHES

This issue so makes sure you read until the end because if you don’t lend your voice, you miss out the important parts.

So let’s get stated-

BEST Screen Recorder For iOS – Screen Record iPhone & iPad NO CRASHES

Now, here are some steps that you can easily record screen. So, Step by step follow me-

STEP1; So stable screen recording ones are open up settings.


STEP2; Now, you want to find control sensor tap on customized controls, and exceed I’ve enabled screen recordings.


STEP3; You won’t have screen recording enabled to tap on the plus wear screen recording. it will be enabled like, so now I’ll activate the control sensor.


STEP4; I have a swipe up, if you have a non-life own 10 device or if you have an iPad and iPhone 10 and above it swipe from the top right down, and you’ll see here that, we have at the bottom.


STEP5; We have screen recording icon, and just holding it all 3d touch and we’ll see here we have the screen recording. 

you should only see camera roll all because I’ve other screen recorders installed. I have other options. 
so to get the best screen recorder head over to the link in description, and you’ll bring you to record it.
Now, record it never crashes ever in my personal experience.


STEP6; If there is one catch to screen recorder, which I’ll be talking about it near the end. so just want to tap on open, and you can see it’s a very simple UI. so what you want to do is open up.


STEP7; Now, swipe from the top right or swipe up to activate control center really touching, and you’ll see camera roll tap on record it.


STEP8; Now, you will need to use every single time you activate the control sensor, because Apple likes a default camera roll screen recorder, and then tap and record it.


STEP9; We have an option to pay a microphone, we could turn that on okay. So on my one step off, I can have it off.


STEP10; I just want to record some stock gameplay, there not lost want to record some gameplay with my mic so let’s just turn off and just tap on start broadcast.


STEP11; you’ll see a timer once this time has counted down, you’ll see that the recording has started. Now, you can see in the control center.


STEP12; Now, the recording is here, both if we look at the app itself. you can see that a screen recording has started.


STEP13; Now, also make sure at the bottom of your home screen, do you do see the recording icon. if you do not see icon, or if you have none either 10 device will look like a red strip.


STEP14; You do not see, then start the recording again. I know you just want to open up your game in question, and I’ll show you that it works.


STEP15; So I’m going to open up pop G, and you can see I died in game, because I was doing that demo gameplay for them earlier, and I can see that screen recorder is recording, my screen is doing insanely good job.


STEP16; Even, if we jump out of the plane jump out the battle bus. it will never crash I’ve never had any more experiences. 

so I’m going to record a bit of gameplay, and I’ll show you how the gameplay looks.


STEP17; Then I’ll show you how to save it to your camera roll and I’ll show you also how to fix you know your mic not showing up in video editors, and then we’ll be done.

If we want to stop the recording, what we want to do just go to the home screen, and you’ll see it’s red bar just tap on it, and now tap on stop broadcasting. 

so, just tap on stop.if you do not see red bar for some reason, let’s wipe down with a control sensor. and then just really touching, and then you’ll see a stop to tap on stop.

Now, we want to do to access your video we want to search up recording, and then you’ll be. it brought to the thing, and you’ll see your video will load up like.

So, I’m going to say this is my camera roll, and then you will tap on OK and I’ll save to your camera however what you can do, and it is quite you know interesting go to the video editor.

you just want to trim 15 minutes at times to trim 15 minutes export, it trimming the other 15 minutes exporter, and then you’ll be able to export unlimited.

I’ll show how to combine it in a second okay so if we go to the home screen we open up the photos up like so and this was an older video from earlier.

Now, you can see here we have the video itself, and if we describe for it. Now you can see that the PUBG gameplay, and of course.

I’ve done a highlight reel of you know of my kills, because it was a casual technical game. but I did more like holding the iPad.

It was very interesting, Now I want to show how to fix the mic audio bug, so if you spoke with your mic. you will not be able to the audio. 

I’ll tap on search of the balm, and now you see an ad just tap on X top on X again, and then you want to search for luma, and you’ll see it luma fusion, and what you want to do is we have tap on get with this pop-up.

That’s up and get again, and you can see it says luma fuse is already installed for me, but it won’t and just tap on install, and then the luma fusion download will start.

I’ve actually paid for luma fusion. because I need it to do some personal things.
LAST WORD: So, all my dear Visitors, this is enough for now. I hope you enjoy this article. Specially thanks for those visitors who have been read this full article. 
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