How To Save File In Notepad And Best Notepad Tips And Tricks-2020 | You Should Know

Hello Guys, In this articles today’s I am going to show you “How To Save File In Notepad And Best Notepad Tips And Tricks 2019” some tricks of notepad Having fun Do you know that notepad is a very important application for every computer or laptop there are a lot of features or programs we can make. Notepad is a very easy application that makes the file with any extension like HTML, VBS, bat, etc. 

If you think that Notepad is just a basic text editor, then, you will be amazed by its capabilities and you can also use Notepad to create everything from personalized logs to harmless viruses that are incredibly annoying. Notepad is the very popular text editor that comes bundled in the Windows operating system. A notepad is an excellent tool for text editing. 


So that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. A notepad text editor is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks and that you can try using Notepad.

How To Apply Matrix Falling Code Effect Easily?

Now, It is a very attractive code design for matrix effect and it is easily implemented by notepad.notepad easily made this matrix effect follow simple step to apply some code for matrix effect. Many of us saw the movie name matrix, in this movie I saw very attractive and amazing numbers flow in the matrix style. so we can easily make that type of effect using notepad some steps are given below.

STEP1; Simply copy the following code and paste it in the notepad. 

@echo off color 02  : tricks  echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%    goto tricks

STEP2; Now, After that simply save it as matrix.bat (file>save as)( see picture below)

STEP3; Now, you have done, now this is the time to see matrix effect like below just  double click on matrix.bat file

How to make your Keyboard Type Any Message Continuously Using VBS Script

Now the next awesome tricks using VBS script can make any of your friend’s keyboard type any message continuously. Simply for having fun with your friends just follow simple steps to make this type of fun using simple notepad. so we can easily make that type of effect using notepad some steps are given below.

STEP1; First of all open notepad and copy bellow code and past it into the notepad. (see the picture given)

    Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)    do    wscript.sleep 100    wshshell.sendkeys “This is a Virus. You have been infected.”    loop

STEP2; Now, After that save it as fun.vbs  here (.vbs extension must use) see bellow picture for your understanding.

STEP3; After that simply send this file to your friends by email or pen drives, when he double click on it he totally confused and you see the fun. 

Create A Harmless Funny Virus using Notepad Continuously Eject CD/DVD Drives

Before beginning this topic I suggest not use the trick in your pc. As you know coding is very powerfull to hack and destroy anything. So here is a small trick to create a very powerful virus that totally infects your drives. This VBS trick will create a code that will continuously eject all your connected Optical drives.

Here I give step by step procedure to make such type of the virus using notepad without having much knowledge about coding. simply follow steps.

STEP1; First of all open notepad and copy below code and past it into the notepad.

    Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7”)    Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection    do    if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then    For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1    colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject    Next    For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1    colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject    Next    End If    wscript.sleep 5000    loop

STEP2; Simply save it name virus.vbs to see bellow picture for your understanding

STEP3; Now, Simply Double click to open this file and you will be impressed by this awesome Trick.and send it to any of your victims through email or any transferable medium.

NOTE: Please don’t miss use this trick. If You do that i am not responsible.

Make A Personal Diary Using Notepad

If you want to make a file that gives you the right time and date. By using this simple trick you can see what exact time and date even day in your computer You can use this trick to create a personal log with Notepad which will automatically include the current date and time before your note.

So simply follow the steps given below.

To do so, 

STEP1; First of all open Notepad and type.LOG in capital letters and press Enter. 

STEP2; Now, Save the file, and every time you open this file, notepad will automatically insert the current time and date before the note.

STEP3; Now then just enter your note and save the file each time after making an entry.

That’s all! this is the end of the article if you like this post please share it with your friends. If you face some problem in any steps please drop your email by going to contact us section of this site. thank you…..

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